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Steering Committee
Bob Keeler - Events
Joe Wright - Secretary /Treasurer
Deb Giffin - PHTP Facebook page, webmaster

Our postal mail address is:

Patrick Henry Tea Party
18120 Southern Cross Lane
Beaverdam, VA 23015
$246,868 per Taxpayer
Make Your Own U.S. Constitution Booklet
Click here to download an Adobe pdf format file that contains a printable U.S. Constitution from
Instructions on how to print and assemble your booklet:
  • Print using both sides of five 8.5" x 11" sheets of paper.
  • Fold printout in half so you see page 1 and page 40.
  • Staple the binding using the page borders as guides.
  • Note: You may want to cut away some excess paper to help your stapler reach the binding.
  • Cut out the booklet using the page borders as guides.
  • Fold along the binding to complete the booklet.
Click here to watch a YouTube video on how to print and assemble.
Click here for suggestions on how to share the Constitution with your friends and family.
There are many Constitution courses available in the US, some freely available on YouTube (see the “Resources/Links” tab), some that you must purchase (because they include Study Guides, DVDs, etc).

The Constitution Leadership Initiative is a non-partisan organization devoted to promoting a better understanding of the U.S. Constitution among the American people. We will pursue our mission through a series of initiatives:

Initiative 1: Conducting Constitution Seminars

The Constitution Leadership Initiative conducts seminars on the U.S. and Virginia State Constitutions.
Seminars are normally held on a Saturday beginning at 9:00 am and concluding at 6:00 pm, with a break for lunch. Each attendee receives a 150-page Constitution Workbook containing lecture notes, lesson quizzes and copies of several founding documents. A Pocket Constitution and box lunch is included in the tuition. Cost of the Saturday seminar is $40 per person, with a $10 discount for early registration. A Young Patriots Fund has been established to enable youth 13-18 to attend the seminar at no cost. To schedule a seminar, contact CLI by phone or email.

Initiative 2: Host or promote public seminars, symposia and debates on constitutional issues, engaging speakers of national scope.

Initiative 3: Develop a network of advocates at state and local level who will keep a discussion of constitutional issues in the public view, through Letters to the Editor, newspaper and magazine articles, and other media.