Steering Committee
Bob Keeler - Events
Joe Wright - Secretary /Treasurer
Deb Giffin - PHTP Facebook page, webmaster
Our postal mail address is:
Patrick Henry Tea Party
18120 Southern Cross Lane
Beaverdam, VA 23015
Here are FOIA resources for you to use as-needed:
Justice Department Guide - Click here
Virginia FOIA template: (Note - this was used by a concerned citizen to request information about license plate readers - modify to suit your needs)
(POLICE DEPARTMENT ADDRESS - or the agency from which you need information)
To whom it may concern:
I am a citizen of Virginia and pursuant to the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Act, Virginia Code § 2.2-3806 and the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, Va. Code §§ 2.2-3700 et seq., I am writing to request copies of all records of my personal vehicle (LICENSE PLATE NUMBER HERE), including any date, time, and location information, collected by any Automated License Plate Reader.
Please also send me all information about the nature of the sources of the information, and the names of any recipients of the information. It is my right under Virginia law to review my own personal information of this nature. A copy of my drivers license is enclosed.
I look forward to an initial response to my request to within five business days, as required by state law.
If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to call me at ____________.
Please email the information to ______________________, or mail paper document copies to: